X-Rite photo


Katrin Eismann

Photographer, US

Katrin Eismann is 1/3 artist, 1/3 author, and 1/3 educator. She received her BFA degree in Photographic Illustration from the Rochester Institute of Technology and her MFA degree in Design SVA. Now Chair of the Masters in Digital Photography department at SVA, she has co-authored: Web Design Studio Secrets, Adobe Photoshop Studio Secrets, Real World Digital Photography, and authored Photoshop Restoration and Retouching and Photoshop Masking & Compositing. Her clients include Apple Computer, Adobe Systems, Eastman Kodak, Nikon USA, Fuji Film, and the US Navy. She is an internationally respected lecturer and teacher on the subject of imaging, restoration, retouching, and the impact of emerging technologies upon professional photographers, artists, and educators, and presents on a wide variety of digital imaging topics. Katrin was also an instrumental member of the Photoshop CS alpha and beta team and she is one of a very few people who are not Adobe employees thanked on the official splash screen of Photoshop CS.