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Date Created: 2/10/2012   Date Modified: 3/21/2012

+DDC and/or ADC Issues With i1Profiler

DDC (Display Data Channel) and X-Rite’s “ADC” (Automatic Display Calibration) protocols are designed to simplify and streamline the display calibration process.  Not all DDC enabled monitors work well with ADC.  There are some limitations that can sometimes be attributed to the graphics card, connection type, the monitor’s implementation of DDC, as well as ADC functionality. 

If there is a suspected problem with the way ADC is handled by a video system (display-video card-cabling), try the following suggestions:  

  • Check to see if the display’s menu/OSD (On Screen Display) has “DDC” or “DDC/CI” enabled or turned on.  If so, disable it or turn it off in the display’s menu/OSD.  Many displays will have DDC/CI enabled by default. 
  • Turn off “ADC” (Automatic Display Calibration) when profiling.  Automatic Display Control (ADC) can sometimes produce unsatisfactory results when creating a profile.  Follow these instructions to turn “ADC” off:
    1. In the “Measurement” step, select the “Adjust brightness, contrast, and RGB gains manually”. This will unselect "Automatic Display Control (ADC)"  
    2. Uncheck the contrast or RGB options if so desired.  DO NOT unselect the option to adjust brightness manually…this must remain selected.
    3. Click “Next” to save these settings and begin the profiling process.
    4. Create a new display profile.