X-Rite photo


Federico Chiesa

Photographer and Retoucher, IT

A highly talented and creative photographer and retoucher with background in advertising , film, fashion and art. Experienced in commercial photography and retouching.

Interested in digital photography as well as traditional film photography. Previously highly skilled in dark room printing, now is interested in the entire digital workflow, from shooting to retouching. Experienced in 35mm photography, medium format (analog and digital) photography, view cameras and modern digital cameras. Highly skilled in digital retouching using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe lightroom.

Also interested in sound engineering and music writing , skilled in using recording devices and mixing software.

During his career he had the pleasure to work with many of the most renowned brands worldwide like Mercedes, Universal, Gucci, Bvlgari, Victoria’s Secret, Honda.

He always takes care of the entire workflow, from production to prepress.