X-Rite photo

Date Created: 1/24/2019   Date Modified: 1/29/2019

+ X-Rite Device Services Certificate Expiration - Windows 10

X-Rite Device Services 3.0.17 and its components fail to install on Windows 10.This may lead to different X-Rite Device error messages and communication issues between the X-Rite software and hardware. We discovered that this is due to the Windows operating system rejecting the device drivers for being signed with an certificate that is expired (1/15/2019). Software affected by this are:

i1 Profiler (i1 Publish) v1.8.0 - 1.8.2
i1 Studio v1.0 - 1.1.1
Pantone Color Manager v2.3.1

Please download and install X-Rite Device Service This will fix the issue with the security signing required by Microsoft, and also fix any X-Rite Device errors received with the softwares listed above. 

X-Rite Device Service

