X-Rite photo


Joan Boira

Estudio, comercial, industrial, retrato, alimentación, reportaje - Asesor técnico para fotógrafos

Born in Barcelona in 1973. I studied picture and sound at the Institut Politècnic Verge of Mercy. I then began to specialize in photography at the school Gris Art.

For three years I was assistant photographer at studio CB Photo and then in 1992 I was the photographer for the magazine Hobbytren. From 2000 I worked at the store of professional photography "Arpi" as digital photography technician, specializing in color management and speaking at courses and seminars, and was also the Training Manager.

I have worked for: Hospital de Bellvitge, Barcelona Provincial Council, Renfe, Emav School (as Professor color management), Winterthur, Unilever (Agrigel), Caixa Girona, Gablons (Victorio & Lucchino, Isabel de Pedro, etc, Editorial planet, Lonely planet, Descobrir Catalunya, Ormograf, SBO, Wagon Lits, Märklin, Trix, etc.

Brands like Hasselblad, Efi, X-Rite, GretagMacbeth, Olympus, Barco, Phase One, Nikon, etc. have conducted courses in which I helped through participation.

I have published scholarly articles from digital photography, color management and printing: www.egm.es, www.manualcolor.com, www.faq-mac.com, www.naturpixel.com, www.fotodng.com, www.fototalleres.es and www.Foto3.es

My photographs have been exhibited in two exhibitions : In the Café de la Sargantana and the Fotogràfica Agrupació de Catalunya.

In October 2006 I was a photographer and color management consultant and computer Punt Groc Comunicació.

Since 2009 I am photographic consultant and freelance photographer. Being the teacher courses taken at Casanova Photography, Arpi (professional photo shops ) and Postgraduate Professional Photography held at the Techno - Campus Mataró- Maresme.

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